Winery & Brewery Wastewater



Save not only money, but save your vineyard space! 


Up to 1,000,000 GPD Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) in a small & compact package!

Small & Compact

Simple Small and compact Systems for any location!

Easy and Simple to Use

Systems that require little to no user intervention, if and if they do they do not require multiple persons.

The most systems installed in any winery!

Cloacina is the largest manufacture to support the wine market, and has more plants operating than any other manufacture.

Flexible & Scaleable

Need a package that fits the bill today, but has the features to expand to the future, Cloacina is the plant for your winery.

10 Wastewater Considerations

Before Beginning your Winery Project

  1. Your needs - Do you know what your wastewater needs will be?  If not, we can help determine the correct size.
  2. Design & Engineering - Does your architect/engineer have experience designing winery wastewater treatment plants?
  3. Regulations -  Which regulatory agency will oversee wastewater generated by your winery project?.
  4. Permitting -  Have you been issued a discharge permit?  If so, do you have a copy of it?
  5. Footprint -  What is the available footprint for wastewater treatment?  Do you have limited space?
  6. Reclaim Water -  Do you want to reclaim your treated wastewater for irrigation or dust control?
  7. Flexibility - Do you need a flexible wastewater system that can grow with your winery's future expansion plans?
  8. Aesthetics - Does your wastewater treatment plant need to match your facility's aesthetics?  Does it need to be hidden?
  9. Tours - Have you ev er toured a wastewater treatment plant designed specifically for winery waste?  Would you like to?  Click Here
  10. Financing - Are you interestedin leasing or financing a wastewater treatment plant for your project?

0 - 2,000 GPD Stage I™

Sanitary Sewer or on-site disposal pre-treatment.  

Cloacina’s Stage I™ is a complete package wastewater treatment plant designed for small facilities and those with a limited footprint or future plans for expansion. Recognizing that a pump station is necessary for most wastewater treatment systems, Cloacina developed a compact unit that provides high-quality treatment in the footprint of the average pump station. Most Stage I™ models are incorporated into a standard lift station vessel and designed to treat less than 2000 Gallons Per Day (GPD). The unit can operate indefinitely as a treatment system, meeting an average discharge limit of 150 Total Suspended Solids (TSS)/150 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). Should flows, loading or discharge requirements dictate additional treatment equipment, the Stage I™ is easily converted into a lift station to supply the new downstream treatment system. Cloacina’s Stage I™ includes a cutting-edge controls package that allows facility staff to remotely monitor and make adjustments to system parameters, collect information for reporting, and verify the completion of routine maintenance. Stage I™ models can be self-contained or designed to fit into an existing buried vessel.

0 - 30,000 GPD Industrial Batch Reactor™(IBR)

High Strength, Industrial process waste from wineries, breweries, and food processors.

Cloacina’s Industrial Batch Reactor™ (IBR) is a packaged wastewater treatment plant that treats industrial and municipal wastewater utilizing activated sludge and clarification in a single vessel. All interior and exterior components are manufactured from high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials. The tank and equipment skid are fabricated from stainless steel. Cloacina’s IBR is ideal for clients needing a wastewater system with a small footprint that can pre-treat wastewater prior to sewer disposal, sub-surface reuse and frost and/or dust control water. The system includes a cutting-edge control system which allows facility staff to remotely access, monitor and make changes to the plant, collect data for reporting, view live on-site video and verify the completion of routine maintenance. The IBR is factory-tested, completely assembled prior to shipment and is easy to install, operate and maintain. Models are available for buried, partially-buried and above-grade installations. The Industrial Batch Reactor can be installed in compact and remote locations.

Contact Us

PO Box 846
Wilsonville, OR 97070
138 S. Hazel Dell Way, Suite 109
Canby, OR 97013


Toll-Free:    (888)630-PUMP
Phone:        (503)420-8390
Fax:             (503)606-6602