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Collections Plugging Solutions

Collections Plugging Solutions

Although technology and outreach has advanced in the industry of the past several years, we continue to gather debris in our collection systems. This increases not only downtime, but also overall labor costs and manpower. There however are solutions to protect your equipment. Find out a few simple solutions that can help.

Simple Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Simple Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Industrial wastewater isn't so difficult, that is if you have the right system to treat your waste.  There are several different methods to treat your wastewater, reduce your water consumption and BOD.

Level Control with FOGRod

Level Control with FOGRod

The ideal wastewater level sensor will never run your pumps dry.
The ideal lift station level control system will always start the pumps no matter how much grease is in the wetwell.

Why you need the FOGRod? It works so well because it is simple - almost as simple as floats, but with much less maintenance; way simpler than ultrasonics; and can't fail like pressure transducers.

Sithe Chopper Pumps

Sithe Chopper Pumps

Stop unplugging your pumps, and upgrade to the Sithe Chopper Pump today.  Sithe can cut even the most difficult flushables with ease due it's open center cutter design.

Slides down the same rails you have now, and provides plug & play technology to your lift stations.

EcoTran Pressure Sewer System

EcoTran Pressure Sewer System

Conventional gravity can't always work, and where it can't EcoTran pump systems help your residences save money and high cost connection fees.  Septic conversion costs can be lowered to the end-user.

EcoTran pumps provide a package system to burry and connect to the household.

Contact Us

PO Box 846
Wilsonville, OR 97070
138 S. Hazel Dell Way, Suite 112
Canby, OR 97013

Email: sales@owenspump.com

Toll-Free:    (888)630-PUMP
Phone:        (503)420-8390
Fax:             (503)606-6602